রমজানের ওমরাহ প্যাকেজ বুকিং চলছে , আজই যোগাযোগ করুন


Last Ramadan Umrah Package

December Umrah Package – 14 Days

01 Friday in Madinah & 01 Friday in Makkah|Starts from Tk.1,30,000 !  

Direct Flight | 5N Madinah + 8N Makkah | Price Valid Till 10 Dec 2024

Flight Schedule:

18 DEC  SV799  DAC  MED  1540  2030  

31 DEC  SV802  JED  DAC  1500   0010

December Umrah Package Includes: 

  • Air ticket with all taxes on Saudi Airlines: Dhaka – Madinah, Jeddah – Dhaka (economy class).
  • 05 nights hotel accommodation in Madinah.
  • 08 nights hotel accommodation in Makkah.
  • Daily breakfast at the hotel. (Only Premium Package)
  • Transportation Service: Madinah airport – Madinah Hotel – Makkah Hotel – Jeddah Airport.
  • Umrah Visa Fee.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Meet & assist at Madinah Airport.
  • Room Service as per hotel rules.
  • Umrah guide book in Bangla.
  • Ziyarah / Sightseeing tour in Madinah
  • Ziyarah / Sightseeing tour in Makkah
  • Dedicated Bengali Muallem at the time of performing umrah.

December Umrah Package Excludes:

  • PCR Test before flight from Bangladesh & KSA (if required).
  • Food (Breakfast/lunch/dinner) not included with the package price for Makkah / Madinah (where not specified), but available at hotel or restaurant (Approx. SR 25/Per Day Per Person). Food Menu for Lunch & Dinner: Chicken / Fish, Vegetable / Vorta / Shak, Dall, Plain Rice, breakfast: Paratha / Roti, Dall / Vegetable, Boiled Egg.
  • Any kinds of personal cost or others which are not mentioned above.


Special requirements are also available with extra charges, such as TAKING SPECIAL ROOMS – Haram view, Kaba view, Suite Room, etc. / ADDING OTHER TOURS – Jeddah, Taif, Hudaibiyah, Wadi Jinn, Khandak, Ohud, Badar, etc. / VISITING OTHER COUNTRIES WITH UMRAH PACKAGE – Dubai, Egypt, Turkey, etc.

December Umrah Package Price Details/Per Person:

Economy Package:

Five/Six Bed share basis

TK. 1,30,000

Adult on Quad share basis

TK. 1,35,000

Adult on triple share basis

TK. 1,40,000

Adult on Double/Twin share basis

TK. 1,50,000

Single share basis

TK. 1,95,000

Child with Bed

Less Than 10,000 From Adult

Child No Bed (Parent Sharing)

TK. 1,15,000

Infant (Parent Sharing)

TK. 60,000

Standard Package:

Adult on Quad share basis

TK. 1,45,000

Adult on triple share basis

TK. 1,55,000

Adult on Double/Twin share basis

TK. 1,75,000

Single share basis

TK. 2,40,000

Child with Bed

Less Than 10,000 From Adult

Child No Bed (Parent Sharing)

TK. 1,15,000

Infant (Parent Sharing)

TK. 60,000

Deluxe Package:

Adult on Quad share basis

TK. 1,65,000

Adult on triple share basis

TK. 1,75,000

Adult on Double/Twin share basis

TK. 2,00,000

Single share basis

TK. 2,90,000

Child with Bed

Less Than 10,000 From Adult

Child No Bed (Parent Sharing)

TK. 1,15,000

Infant (Parent Sharing)

TK. 60,000

Superior Package:

Adult on Quad share basis

TK. 2,50,000

Adult on triple share basis

TK. 2,75,000

Adult on Double/Twin share basis

TK. 3,20,000

Single share basis

TK. 5,15,000

Child with Bed

Less Than 10,000 From Adult

Child No Bed (Parent Sharing)

TK. 1,15,000

Infant (Parent Sharing)

TK. 60,000

Premium Package:

Adult on Quad share basis

TK. 3,40,000

Adult on triple share basis

TK. 3,95,000

Adult on Double/Twin share basis

TK. 4,90,000

Single share basis

TK. 8,60,000

Child with Bed

Less Than 10,000 From Adult

Child No Bed (Parent Sharing)

TK. 1,15,000

Infant (Parent Sharing)

TK. 60,000

December Umrah Package Itinerary:

Day 01: Dhaka – Madinah

Departure from Dhaka to Madinah. Transfer from Madinah Airport to Madinah Hotel. Check-in hotel and Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 02: Madina Ziyarah

  • Masjid-e-Quba – the first mosque built by Muslims), Masjid-e-Qiblateen – where Muhammad (PBUH) received the command to change the Qiblah.
  • Masjid-e-Juma – where Muhammad (PBUH) prayed first Juma.
  • Grave of Hamza (RA) and Martyrs of Uhud– Martyrs Cemetery features the graves of 70 companions including Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib who were martyred in the battle of Uhud).
  • Masjid E Juma – Where our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) offered the first Khutba of Juma Mubarak on Friday.
  • Site of Battle of Trench (Khandaq) – Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered a Trench to be dug after taking a suggestion from Salman Farsi (RA). These trenches gave Muslims the benefit of defeating enemy armies and suffering fewer casualties.

After the ziyarah, focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 03: Madinah (Jummah)

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 04 – 05: Madinah

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah. After Fajr or Asr visit The Baqi Al Gharqad and can visit Riyazul Jannah (must make an appointment with the NUSUK App).

Day 06: Madinah – Makkah (Perform Umrah)

Check out from Madinah Hotel and transfer to Makkah Hotel, check-in hotel. SAME DAY PERFORM UMRAH.

Day 07: Makkah 

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 08 Makkah Ziyarah

  • Cave of Hira (Jabal-e-Noor) – the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his revelations from Allah SWT through the angel Gabriel.
  • Cave of Thawr (Jabal-e-soor) – where the Prophet and Abu Bakr al-Siddiq took shelter to flee from the Quraish.
  • Mina – It’s called the city of tents as it has more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents to provide temporary accommodation to the pilgrims visiting to take part in Hajj.
  • Masjid al-Khaif (Mosque of Prophets) – where the numerous prophets are said to have prayed in this mosque.
  • Jamarat – This is an essential site for the pilgrims of the hajj which consists of three stone columns that are pelted as a mandatory Hajj ritual in imitation of the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S).
  • Mount Arafat (Jabal-Ar-Rahmah) – the place where Prophet Muhammad PBUH stood and delivered the Last Sermon.
  • Muzdalifa – it was the place where Prophet Adam (AS) the Maghrib and Isha prayed together and it is an essential part of the hajj.
  • Jannatul Mualla – where many of the Prophet (PBUH)’s ancestors are buried, notably his mother (Aminah), grandfather (Abdul Muttalib), and first wife (Khadijah).
  • Masjid Jinn – where a group of jinn is said to have gathered one night to hear the recitation of a portion of the Quran by Muhammad (PBUH).

After the ziyarah, focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 09: Makkah

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 10: Makkah (Jummah)

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 11 – 13: Makkah

Focus on your regular Prayers and Ibadah.

Day 14: Makkah – Jeddah – Dhaka

Check out from the Makkah hotel, transfer to Jeddah airport to depart to Dhaka. END OF SERVICES

জিজ্ঞাসাঃ আপনাদের কথায় কাজে ঠিক থাকে কিনা ?
উত্তরঃ আমরা এ পর্যন্ত প্রায় ৯৫% পজেটিভ ফিডব্যাক পেয়েছি, সার্ভিস নেয়ার পর আমরা প্রায় প্রতিটি কাস্টমারের অডিও এবং ভিডিও ফিডব্যাক নিয়ে থাকি, আপনি চাইলে শুনতে / দেখতে পারেন।


জিজ্ঞাসাঃ আমি কি চাইলে যে কোন সময় উমরাহ্‌ পালন করতে এবং নবিজির রওজা জিয়ারত করতে পারবো ?
উত্তরঃ জি, এখন একাধিকবার উমরাহ্‌ পালন করা যায় এবং নবিজির রওজা জিয়ারত করা যায়।


জিজ্ঞাসাঃ উমরাহ্‌ করতে যেতে চাইলে কি ভেক্সিন নেয়া বাধ্যতামূলক ?
উত্তরঃ না, এখন বাধ্যতামূলক না।

জিজ্ঞাসাঃ প্যাকেজ কনফার্ম হওয়ার পর যদি কোন কারণে আমি প্যাকেজ ক্যান্সিল করতে চাই তবে আমি কি প্যাকেজের সম্পূর্ণ টাকা ফেরৎ পাব ?
উত্তরঃ এখন পর্যন্ত সৌদি আরব কর্তৃক প্যাকেজ ক্যান্সিলেশন পলিসি অনুযায়ী প্যাকেজ কনফার্ম বা বুকিং করা হয়ে গেলে ইহা ক্যান্সিল করা যাবে না বা অন্য কারো নামে ট্রান্সফার করা যাবে না, অর্থাৎ সম্পূর্ণ টাকা অফেরৎযোগ্য।


জিজ্ঞাসাঃ উমরাহ্‌ পালন করতে যাওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে কি সর্বনিম্ন বা সর্বোচ্চ বয়সসীমার কোন বাদ্ধবাধকতা আছে ?
উত্তরঃ এখন যে কোন বয়সের যে কেউ ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন।


জিজ্ঞাসাঃ উমরাহ্‌ ভিসা করতে কি কি লাগে  ?
উত্তরঃ পাসপোর্ট (কমপক্ষে ৬ মাস মেয়াদ থাকতে হবে)


জিজ্ঞাসাঃ আপনাদের উল্লেখিত প্যাকেজগুলোতে কোন হিডেন চার্জ আছে কি ?
উত্তরঃ না, কোন হিডেন চার্জ নেই।


Address Contact Number Email
Head office: Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1000, Dangladesh +8801878586353 alnoorhajjn@gmail.com

Last Ramadan Umrah Package

Starts From BDT. 130000 /Per Person

Price Valid Till 10 DEC 2024

Contact Us

Starts From BDT. 130000 /Per Person

Price Valid Till 10 DEC 2024

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